Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The Little Surprise

One day I went down to my chicken coop and my silky was siting on the nest.   I calmly reached my hand under her and I got three eggs.  Then it was time to leave to go to Florida so I put the eggs in the refrigerator.  I got in the car and left, when we were at Florida,  I got a call from my grandfather and he said I put a blue egg under the silky.  I said ok.  When we got back, I went to the chicken coop and the silky was still siting on the egg.  Then after 21 days  I went to the chicken coop with my dad.  He said you go get the food and I will get the eggs.  So he went to get the eggs and out popped a little chick's head.  He yelled, "Logan".  I said, "what?". He said, "did you get a chick/".  No, so I ran over there and I said, "OOOOMMMMGGGG!!! IT HATCHED", so I got my dad's phone and I called everyone I know.  I said,  "I have a chick",  they said "cool".  Now I know that  chickens are better at raising chicks.  Now my silky is a momma.  I named the chick Miracle.  The silkie is the best momma ever.


Wednesday, July 4, 2012

....One day I decided that I wanted three Top Hat chicks and I did research about it.   I bought them from a man that had tons of chickens.  I picked out two blacks and one gray.  I named the black ones; Kit-Kat and Lucky, and the gray one; Shamrock.  When we brought them home I noticed that the gray one was bigger than the two black ones.  So I thought the gray one was a rooster.  Then my mom said that they shouldn't go with the big chickens.  My dad brought a big metal cage into the big coop for the three babies to stay in.  My baby chicks were curious.   They looked like they had cotton on top of their heads.  It was very fluffy.  We they grew bigger we made a little castle for them to sleep in because they couldn't climb up the coop ladder.  When they were bigger we took the castle out.  They slept with the big chickens.  They grew bigger and bigger and then when I went down to the chicken coop one day, I saw that the gray one was a rooster.   He tried to crow but it sounded wicked.  He began fighting with the girls so we had to find him a new home.  And we did.  My Grandma took Shamrock to a friend that needed a rooster for his hens.  He was very having.  He loves those hens.  The End.

Sunday, March 18, 2012


I took 19 eggs and put them into my Incubator.  We candled the eggs several times to see if they were growing.  We were unsure so we left them in the incubator.  None of the eggs ended up hatching.  Here are a few tips if you want to incubate eggs.  First, the temperature needs to be 100 degrees.  The humidity needs to be good (we have water in the base of ours).  We also have an automatic egg turner.  My mom took me to a chicken farmer this Saturday.  We bought one dozen Silver Lace Wyandottes and one dozen Golden Lace Wyandottes.  We are hoping that these will hatch.  In 21 days we will find out.  Here are a few photos of what Wyandottes look like. 

Free Chickens!

So a friend (Jason Rhea) of my Dad and Mom's gave us some chickens.  These girls are so sweet, they just let me pet them.  The speckled Hen is a Sussex.  Sometimes I dig worms and they jump for them.  I like to let her run around the yard and find bugs.  The chicken in the photo is Peppermint.


I remember that we started to build the coop and it was weird.  Whenever I was nailing the boards together it just looked like a square.  Then we kept adding onto it and then it looked awesome.  When it was finished I was surprised because it came out soooo cool.  I like that I walk around in it and I do not have to bend down, it has perches, and I can check the eggs from the outside.  I love my coop and my chickens do too.  My Dad is the best Dad ever!

New Happenings- SILKIES

First off I cannot believe that I forgot to post about my Silkies!  My mom's friend, Shannon, surprised me with 2 Silkies at Christmas.  I was soooooo shocked.  I named the Rooster, Cookoo and the hen, KeeKee.  They are so sweet.  I always wanted to have a Silkie.  Every morning CooKoo crows very loud, I love it but my Dad doesn't.  I love to take them for walks in my wagon.